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  • mosaic.zip mosaic given image using training images
  • Research_Report_2005.zip ... for security applications (watermarking and biometrics) and communications (talking heads, interfaces), with a special emphasis on facial images. More about our work can be found at http://www.eurecom.fr/~image. Our research activities are conducted ...
  • wave.rar it is used to remove noise from images
  • images.rar 图片加载的Ajax源码,希望大家喜欢,我很喜欢这个东西
  • Masking_Source_Code.zip In Matlab there is functionality to mask one image on other image or in words we can multiply images. Same functionality we can view in photoshop also. Using .Net we can not mask(multiply) images directly so I want to discuss code.
  • RotateShear.zip It is a new way to Rotating the images by using shear it s useful to charge it
  • disply.rar calculating disparity image from stereo images
  • images.rar 会计网站 会计网站 会计网站 会计网站 -
  • Morphology.zip Morphology algorithm for BITMAP images with the library CxImage in MFC
  • watermarkingWL.rar watermaking algorithm to crypting image to images