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  • convolver.rar convolution filter which can be used to perform convolution to two functions. useful when you are trying to compress videos and images using convolution/multiplication method
  • images.rar 各种图像处理程序的说明,相应的程序例子,方法的详细阐述.
  • ImageProcessingMethodsforInteractiveRobotControl. a straight forward technique for tracking a human hand based on images acquired by an active stereo camera system.
  • demosaic-adaptive_color.rar Demosaic algorithm for raw images.
  • NetRead_Average.zip This source code contains logic for time averaging of images over a period of time using open CV.
  • PictureChat2.rar chat using and transferring images
  • bd.rar Building Detection from Aerial Images
  • ColorPoint_Image.zip Give the correct RGB values at mouse point over images
  • SimpleVideoFrames.rar This is a little program to show the images captured from your webcam on your monitor. Press "escape" to shut down the program
  • make_annotation.zip A system to crop images from image files.