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  • 1.rar this code is for Converting images to avi file in matlab
  • calibration.zip The calibration file contains a source code developed on Visual C++ 2008, we have used the OpenCV library for import and process the stereo input images. This code generate un text file that contains the estimated parameters for calibration.
  • Centroid.zip Centroid algorithm for gray scaled images.
  • GUI_point_finder2.rar Used to select common points on two images for morphing. Data saved as a *.mat file afterwards.
  • Resize_Bilinear.rar Codes for Resizing Images with Bilinear Interpolation, without using Matlab embedded function.
  • Shear_Bilinear.rar Codes for Shearing Images with Bilinear Interpolation, without using Matlab embedded function.
  • imageprocessing.rar Gaussian Filter for images Matlab
  • Graytransformer.rar YuvGray is a DirectShow transform filter that converts UYVY color images to grayscale.
  • Crop.rar This source code can be used to crop images easily by using C++ Builder.
  • ModifyDepthResolution.rar This source code is useful to modify depth resolution of any images.