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  • marr_d.rar this file is used for edge detection in images
  • rasterfile.rar this program is used for edge detection in images
  • recursive_filter.rar this is a filter program for images
  • BlockMatchingAlgoMPEG.zip ... Mean Absolute Difference Function minCost.m minimum cost among macro blocks motionComp.m motion compensated image creator imgPSNR.m finds image PSNR w.r.t. reference image The test images can be found at http://cc.usu.edu/~arohb/caltrain.zip
  • hideseek.zip hideseek is a method for hide information in Jpeg Images
  • cppfrance_VIEWER-COMPLET-TRAITEMENT-IMAGE-IMANALY This application provides a complete module for image processing. Example: Edge detection, wavelet decomposition, arithmetic operations on images ...
  • rmi.rar This is an example how to use rmi in Java, with images and the source code.
  • GSobel.rar sobel for color images
  • hsvwaterpro.zip watermarking color images
  • EmadKarhely.rar a basic operations on images using matlab