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  • Matlab_Tutorial.rar This document contains a tutorial on Matlab with a principal components analysis for a set of face images as the theme
  • fdkReconstruction.zip reconstruction 3D des images médicales
  • bresenham_line_3D.zip reconstruction 3D d images médicales
  • iradon_speedy.zip reconstruction 3D d images médicales
  • JointEstimationUsingHR.zip reconstruction 3D d images médicales
  • npr.zip reconstruction 3D d images médicales
  • sysmatele.zip reconstruction 3D d images médicales
  • DownloadRadar.zip Periodically downloads perticipation radar images for Slovenia.
  • HandDetect_fromImage_Cam_inaccurate.rar Hand Detect code for Images from Web/Cam as I tested it in VS2005 it is not really an accurate method.
  • djvulibre-3.5.9.tar.gz ... , to TIFF (and PDF) for scanned documents, to JPEG for photographs and pictures, and to GIF for large palettized images. DjVu is the only Web format that is practical for distributing high-resolution scanned documents in color. No other format comes ...