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  • gm ... .com/gm/docs.html#getters) - returns the image format (gif, jpeg, png, etc) - [depth](http://aheckmann.github.com/ ... composite image."); }); ``` ##montage GraphicsMagick supports montage for combining images side by side. This is exposed through `gm. ...
  • PhiPy ... plots for the Indium cluster photoionization data are in `plots/` (as .gif images). Requirements ------------ * Python2.6 (maybe works down to 2.3, but 2.6 is suggested) * Enthought suite (for Triats, Chaco, and SciPy) * ...
  • Start-Project-Coda-Plugin ... -2.73.min.js"; /_assets/scripts/javascript/jquery/Easing-1.3.min.js"; /_assets/scripts/javascript/jquery/jQuery-1.4.1. ... /htc/IEPNGFix.htc"; /_assets/includes/resources/IEPNGFix.php"; /_assets/images/global/blank.gif"; All of these good base files to ...
  • android_external_jpeg ... have to have identical output bits. However, on typical photographic images, very good compression levels can be obtained with no ... Format(c) is the Copyright property of CompuServe Incorporated. GIF(sm) is a Service Mark property of CompuServe ...
  • ruby-wave-robot-api ... ', :image_url => 'http://ruby-wave-robot-api.heroku.com/images/icon.png', :profile_url => 'http://ruby-wave-robot-api. ... ::Image.new('http://www.google.com/logos/clickortreat1.gif', 320, 118)) wavelet.proxy_for('douwe').reply().append('hi ...
  • iPhone-Photoshop-JSX-Icon-Exporter ... ask you for a 512x512 icon file of any image format (jpeg, psd, gif, png etc.) 2. Select the file and photos shop will create 6 ... the correct names in the save folder as the 512 image. 3. Add these images into your iPhone project and update you app plist. ...
  • mootools-external-favicon ... instead of the class attribute to define absolute links to alternate images. Update 4: Ability to specify the favicon image size. I' ... //By default it will try to find a ico, bmp, gif, or png file. $(document.body).getFavicons( null, ['png','ico'] ); ...
  • jit_image_manipulation ... one text setting for the manipulation. 1. mode 2. width 3. height 4. reference position (for cropping only) 5. background ... the extra canvas will be black.* - *For transparent `.png` or `.gif` images, supplying the background color will fill the image. ...
  • jsgif ... > AS3GIF lets you play and encode animated GIF's with ActionScript 3 Since web pages can usually natively play GIFs ... quality of color quantization (conversion of images to the maximum 256 colors allowed by the GIF specification). Lower values (minimum ...
  • RAle ... advised that, because of the continuous improvements carried out, these images may not fully reflect the project's current state! ... ### [![pAle fresh firmware clip](http://i60.tinypic.com/2lvbz0z.gif)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pp1ma8frFmw) _(please ...