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  • mmoSkillTree ... pull request(s) accepted.** [Project Logo]: http://mmo.me.uk/images/mmoMinecraft.png [License]: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ... +donation+%28from+github.com%29&cmd=_s-xclick [Donate Logo]: http://www.paypalobjects.com/en_GB/i/btn/btn_donate_SM.gif
  • sfImageTransformPlugin ... common tasks like creating thumbnails, adding text to dynamic images or watermarking. sfImageTransformPlugin works by applying one or ... (0.5); $img = $scale->execute($img); $img->saveAs('image2.gif'); Note: If you install one of the supported ...
  • api-usability-analyzer ... ) Color Coded Hierarchical Code Structures ![Axial Coding Perspective](images/properties.png) Dimension and Property Support ## Installation The ... ="http://ccoe.ac.upc.edu/lib/tpl/arctic/images/cuda_research_center.jpeg" width="63" height="76"> ...
  • exfm-python-client ... some basic information about the user's profile page: * background: Images, colors, and positioning of profile page background. * bio: User- ... record later. * image: URLs of small, medium, and large images for the album this song is on. * last_loved: ...
  • winresizer ... ![demo-move](https://raw.github.com/wiki/simeji/winresizer/images/demo-move.gif) #### Change the focus & resize window Focus mode -> ... size when `left` or `right` key is pressed| |g:winresizer_horiz_resize|3|The change height of window size when `down` or ...
  • node-sprite ... { "name": "animals", "checksum": "b775d6fa89ad809d7700c32b491c50f0", "shortsum": "b775d", "images": [ { "name": "cat", "filename": "cat.gif", "checksum": "25ce6895f8ed03aa127123430997bbdf", "width": 64, "height": ...
  • jeff-flatpage ... (optional). An image file, supported formats are jpg,png,gif * image2 (optional). An image file, supported formats are jpg, ... your ROOT directory. 3. Create a "**flatpage**" directory inside the "**upload**" directory under ROOT (for the images upload). 4. ...
  • ErrorNotifierBundle ... example if you want to ignore all not exist images errors you may do something like that. ```yml # app/config/config_prod.yml elao_error_notifier: ignoredUrlsPattern: "\.(jpg|png|gif)" ``` ### How to filter sensitive data in request variables? ...
  • kstephens ... ="https://a248.e.akamai.net/assets.github.com/images/modules/ajax/big_spinner_336699.gif" height="32" width="32">
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linelife ... for manipulating Lifeline sequences; see below llpicture.sh / llanimate.sh / crawler.gif -- an animation of a "crawler" period40.gif ... else produces a gray of varying degree. The produced images are 8 bpp grayscale. Typically one would do something ...