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  • 262-45526-LTC2453.zip ... and has no latency for multiplexed applications. The LTC2453 includes a proprietary input sampling scheme that reduces the average ... delta-sigma converters. Additionally, due to its architecture, there is negligible current leakage between the input pins.
  • cmm.rar ... 控制台下运行。 实现的语言定义如下: 语言类似于tiny语言,不支持过程调用,也就是只有一个main函数,无其他函数和全局变量 基本语句:注释语句(/*…*/),输入语句(int input(void) ),输出语句(void output(int) ),赋值语句。这里的输入输出语句实际上类似于函数调用,可以看作是本语言内部的函数 算术运算符:+、—、*、/ 数据类型:整数.
  • Grid.zip ... model, and the view. The MVC pattern was designed to deal with input, data processing, and rendering the data into the GUI realm. The user input, data processing and rendering the data are separated and handled by the view, model, and ...
  • 1761.rar 16 relay output channels and 16 isolated digital input channels LED indicators to show activated relays Jumper selectable Form A ... output values when hot system reset High-voltage isolation on input channels(2,500 VDC) Hi ESD protection(2,00VDC) ...
  • cbmr.rar Content-based Music Retrieval from Acoustic Input
  • framepaser.rar 解析已封装好的 模拟IEEE 802.3格式的Ethernet帧的封包文件(封包文件是二进制文件,文件名为input,文件中包含若干个Ethernet帧,其中有正确的帧,也有错误的帧),列出每个Ethernet帧的各个字段的值,并判断帧的正确性。并进行CRC8校验
  • input.rar 超经典日期输入控件,简单好用,附带vfp开发的例子
  • plotMatrix.rar % If only 1 output is specified, then dataout (a matrix the same size as % data) is returned. The order of t and align is immaterial, as long as % the data matrix is input first.
  • paixu.rar input sever numbers from stdin,and then output them by turn
  • htdocs.zip 最简单的php input 和 output 事例。