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  • Vxworks_demo_src.rar Demo Source Code VxDemo Groups: 1. Multi-Processing 2. Networking 3. Input-Output 4. File System 5. MMU 6. Multi-Tasking 7. ANSI-C 8. POSIX 9. ExecHandling
  • stack.rar 使用循环数组方式实现双端队列,要求实现书面第二题中列出的所有操作,并实现一个Print输出操作,能将队列由左至右的次序输出于一行,元素间用空格间隔。队列元素类型设为整型。 输入:input.txt,给出一个操作序列,可能是Create、Print之外的任何操作,需要的情况下,会给出参数。最后以关键字“End”结束
  • huisu.rar out< "please input the number of the nodes"<<endl cin>>nodesNum cout<<"please input the graph"<<endl for( i = 1 i<=nodesNum i++) for( j = 1 j <= nodesNum j++) cin>>graph[i][j] */
  • ImageBatchResizer.zip The utility is very simple: given an "input" folder, it looks for JPG pictures in that folder and - one by one - it takes them, reduces their sizes by a specified factor, and save them in a given "output" folder.
  • generator_color_noise.rar This program generates a color signal as the input signal and a desired signal of the idetification plant
  • generator_white_noise.rar This program generates a input signal and a desired signal of the idetification plant
  • 21-8.rar ... 结果﹕ Project p21-8.exe raised exception class DividByZero with message Exception Object Address: 0x69346A . Process stopped. Use Step or Run to continue. Please Input Two Numbers,i除以j, i/j: 5 0 算数异常,x不能除以0,这是自定义异常类! 按Enter键 ...
  • ADCINC12Projects.rar Summary Many control applications require converting some analog input to a digital format. The ADCINC12 User Module is a general-purpose, 12-bit analog to digital converter (ADC) that does just that. This Application Note is meant to be a simple ...
  • keyboarddriver.rar ... The 4×4-keyboard drivers *COMPANY NAME: WUYI UNIVERSITY *MODULE NAME: Keyboard drivers *WRITTEN BY: Pang Weicong *FUNCTION DESCRIPTION: Keyboard input processing *EDITION: The first edition V1.0 *DATE: 2007-04-16 *Copyright: (c)2007 Pang Weicong ...
  • mp3_stream_src.zip Sound recording and encoding in MP3 format. An article describing the technique of recording sound from waveform-audio input devices and encoding it in MP3 format.