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  • HttpHandler HttpModule入门篇 ... IHttpHandlerFactory,他们的执行(顺序)大致的执行过程是这样的:client端发送页面请求,被IIS的某个进程截获,它根据申请的页 面后缀(.aspx)不同,调用不同的页面处理程序(.asp->asp.dll; .aspx->ISAPI.dll).而页面处理程序在处理过程中,则要经历HttpModule,HttpHandler的处理:前者HttpModule用于页面处理前和处理后的一些事件的处理,后者HttpHandler进行真正的页面的处理。如前所说,HttpModule会 ...
  • FMSoft_uniGUI_Complete_Professional 统一Web应用框架将Web应用程序开发经验扩展到一个新的维度。 Unigui使Delphi开发人员能够使用一组独特的可视化组件在ide中创建、设计和调试Web应用程序。 每个组件的设计是为了在DelphiVCL中提供与其对应的视觉组件相同的功能。 这提供了一个非常舒适的开发环境,非常接近本地VCL应用程序开发,并且具有易于学习的曲线。 Unigui Web应用程序可以使用windows服务、独立服务器或isapi模块等可用部署选项之一部署到服务器上。
  • mongrel-ntlm ... : http://mentalpagingspace.blogspot.com/2008/12/rails-to-windows-integration-single.html * for the project that spawned this plugin, we ended up using the ISAPI Rewrite filter on IIS as a reverse proxy for plain vanilla mongrels: http://isapirewrite.com
  • stovell-web-server A C++ web server I wrote back around 2002/2003. It had ISAPI and CGI support, and built totally on winsock. I thought I'd lost the code, but I found this old version on a SourceForge mirror. It's an earlier release unfortunately, and just serves static ...
  • tinyasp-framework ... to the root path of the framework, where you can find this file README.txt. 2. Add bin\IsapiRewrite4.dll to ISAPI filter. Filter name: IsapiRewrite4 Executable: absolute path of bin\IsapiRewrite4.dll 3. Download and install components. The full ...
  • asp-xtreme-evolution ... ?FamilyID=993c0bcf-3bcf-4009-be21-27e85e1857b1&displaylang=en) * [Ionics Isapi Rewrite Filter](http://iirf.codeplex.com/) * [Crazy Beavers ... Update") * [IIRF](http://iirf.codeplex.com/ "Ionic's ISAPI Rewrite Filter") - updated to 2.1 (current latest ...
  • coldcourse ... apache, or be running IIS and be able to install an Isapi filter for URL rewriting. Most windows shared hosts are not able ... I ended up needing to. The other popular rewrite engine is Isapi Rewrite (http://www.isapirewrite.com/) which I have not yet ...
  • cgilua ... interaction of CGILua and the Web server, for example using ISAPI on IIS or mod_lua on Apache. The reference implementation of ... was missing Version 5.0 beta [15/Dec/2004] * New ISAPI and Servlet Launchers. * New Error Handling features. * New persistent ...
  • fu-sharp ... ";` done. * **Code in any style you want.** -- No IIS worries, no complex unmovable stuff in ASP.NET to workaround. * HttpModules, HttpHandlers, ISAPI modules you *don't* need any of that, Fu# does all they can and much more with even less code. * No ...
  • phpdoc ... \php.exe phpdoc" where C:\php is the path to the cli version of php. The phpdoc command-line interface will not run with the ISAPI module of PHP. To see the command line options, use phpdoc -h or read at the bottom of this README. There is a BASH ...