isapi_wsgi ... * Python 2.3+
* Python win32 extensions that include the isapi package
* wsgiref library from ... Running the command:
will create a simple ISAPI test extension that can be accessed from a
webbrowser ...
codexwiki ... 2.6.4 or > and ColdSpring 1.2 installed.
5. If you will not be using url rewrite tools such as mod_rewrite or ISAPI rewrite, then please remove the .htaccess file in the
root of the application and open the coldbox.xml.cfm configuration file and set the ...
xxm ... ready for use by a pluggable protocol handler in Internet Explorer, an ISAPI Extension, an Apache module, with HTTPAPI, with CGI or SCGI, ... Library can be loaded by one of the xxm handlers:
* an ISAPI extension that plugs into IIS
* an Apache 2 module
* a ...
OpenCOP ... access to the folder containing the log file.
Example: The ISAPI filter installs itself in
(C:\Program Files\Apache Software ... on your web site (example: Default Web Site) and select the "ISAPI Filters" tab.
- Click the "Add" button to create a new ...
iis2tomcat ... advantages with the BonCode connector vs the old ISAPI connector:
* no ISAPI code, IIS6 vestiges or backward compatibility elements ... instances from within one IIS site without interfering with ISAPI connector, e.g. Shibboleth and ColdFusion 10/Railo
wt ... library
- libwthttp, an (async I/O) HTTP/WebSockets server
- libwtfcgi, a FastCGI connector library (Unix)
- libwtisapi, an ISAPI connector library (Windows)
- libwttest, a test connector environment
It also contains a C++ ORM, which can be used in a ...
phpDocumentor ... "c:\php\php.exe phpdoc" where C:\php is the path to the cli version of php.
The phpdoc command-line interface will not run with the ISAPI module of PHP.
To see the command line options, use phpdoc -h or read at the bottom of this
There is a BASH ...
wild card counters for current connections, isapi extension requests, total method requests and bytes
#### Extra Counter Definitions
One-off counters ...
PHP-Emoticon-Parser ... I am currently building (pH7 framework).
----- Operating System -----
Linux, BSD, Solaris, Windows or Mac
----- Web Server -----
Apache, CGI, FastCGI, IIS or ISAPI
----- Application Server -----
PHP 5.3.0 or higher
oc-iis ... simplifies the migration, management and deployment of IIS Web servers, Web applications and Web sites.
* `mod_isapi` - installs ISAPI (Internet Server Application Programming Interface) extension and filter support.
* `mod_logging` - installs and enables ...