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  • cognitive_networks_Towards_Self-Aware_Networks.rar ... in Cognitive Networks 3 Adaptive Networks 4 Self-Managing Networks 5 Machine Learning for Cognitive Networks: Technology Assessment and Research Challenges 6 Cross-Layer Design and Optimization in Wireless Networks 等,共计13章,全书348页,pdf文件383页。
  • MAC_layer.rar OFDM is using for wireless technology.This source cede used to investigate mac layer of OFDM
  • multichannel_alliances.zip L. Dong and A. P. Petropulu, 揗ultichannel ALLIANCES: A Cross-layer Cooperative Scheme for Wireless Networks,擨EEE Trans. on Signal ProcessingJanuary 2008. (MATLAB Code)
  • manuscriptlun.zip L. Dong and A. P. Petropulu, 揗ultichannel ALLIANCES: A Cross-layer Cooperative Scheme for Wireless Networks,擨EEE Trans. on Signal ProcessingJanuary 2008.
  • LinkLayerModelMATLAB.zip Link Layer Model in MATLAB consisting files: inputFile.m, LinkLayerModel.m, Q.m, topologyFile.m
  • ril.zip RIL( Radio Interface Layer) is the middleware for GSM/GPRS/EDGE module, this version support the GSM 07.10 mutiplexier protocol, while the android original version not.
  • mac-tdma.rar $Header: /cvsroot/nsnam/ns-2/mac/mac-tdma.cc,v 1.16 2006/02/22 13:25:43 mahrenho Exp $ // // mac-tdma.cc // // Preamble TDMA MAC layer for single hop. // Centralized slot assignment computing.
  • manuscript.rar Performance Comparison of Two On-Demand Routing Protocols Depends on Traffic Density by Using UWB-IR as Pyhisical and MAC Layer at Outdoor Peer to Peer Sensor Network
  • 802.16d.rar 802.16 physical layer simulation through diferent SUI Channel.
  • BACnetIP_Virtual_Link_Layer.rar Document for BACnetIP Virtual Link Layer