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  • UMTSFDD.zip UMTS FDD Downlink Simulink Model Simulates UMTS Physical layer FDD for Downlink.
  • ril.rar Android的Radio Interface Layer (RIL)提供了电话服务和的radio硬件之间的抽象层。Radio Interface Layer RIL(Radio Interface Layer)负责数据的可靠传输、AT命令的发送以及response的解析。应用处理器通过AT命令集与带GPRS功能的无线通讯模块通信。AT command由Hayes公司发明,是一个调制解调器制造商采用的一个调制解调器命令语言,每条命令以字母"AT"开头。
  • TETRA_SIM.zip TETRA Physical layer Phase Modulations, 12 files making up whole layer with added noise, Just put in frame numbers and simulate
  • operatorlist.zip Retrieving list of known operators using Radio Interface Layer (RIL) Windows Mobile
  • H2_PHY.rar HIPERLAN/2 physical layer standard
  • formatfilefinal.rar A program based on Visual C++ supports converting MPEG layer 1, 2, 3, 4 to various output formats. It has two modes, converts audio and convert video.
  • Mobile_WiMAX_Part2_Comparative_Analysis.rar this is the second part of introducing wimax and its physical layer
  • omx_il_v1_1_headers.zip Open MAX source code interface layer introduction
  • OneLayerPerceptronClassifier.zip A simple One layer perceptron classifier written in CSharp and using the AForge framework
  • 802.16.rar the whole physical layer of wimax 802.16