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  • mpeg1_iis.tar.gz MPEG 1 layer 3 audio player source by Fraunhofer IIS
  • libdbi-drivers-0.7.1.rar a database abstraction layer implemented in C
  • ngrep1.41win32full.zip ngrep strives to provide most of GNU grep s common features, applying them to the network layer. ngrep is a pcap-aware tool that will allow you to specify extended regular or hexadecimal expressions to match against data payloads of packets. It currently ...
  • eXosip-0.7.6.tar.gz eXosip is a GPL library that extend the capability of the oSIP library. It aims to implement a simple high layer API to control the SIP for sessions establishements and common extensions.
  • 8hz-mp3_src_v02b.gz layer 3 encoder
  • PDIUSBD12usb.rar PDIUSBD12 应用层演示软件(DELPHI)
  • MP3解压程序源代码.zip MPEG Layer 3 (and 2 and 1, and MPEG 2) decoder for Cool Edit
  • persistenceLayer_cn.rar Scott W. Ambler在1998年写的关于ORM Persistence Layer的详细设计论文,本文档张笑猛翻译的中文版.
  • PersisterLayer.rar 根据Scott W. Ambler在1998年写的关于ORM Persistence Layer的详细设计论文的设计思路,Artem Rudoy 开发了一个开源的ORM实现 -- PL(Persistence Layer)开源项目。
  • PCIeData-Link-Layer-Specifications.rar PCIe数据链路层的协议详解,对做PCIe接口有非常重要的指导价值。