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  • Corner.rar ... 边缘检测方法CORNER Find corners in tensity image. % CORNER works by the following step: % 1. Apply the Canny edge detector to the gray level image and obtain a % binary edge-map. % 2. Extract the edge contours from the edge-map, fill the gaps in the % ...
  • Frontier_Processors_Architecture.rar instruction level parallel caches pipeline virtual memory
  • Waveletbasedmultiresolutionhistogramforfastimagere ... in each of the files that make up your xbw application. xbw.dsp This file (the project file) contains information at the project level and is used to build a single project or subproject. Other users can share the project (.dsp) file, but they ...
  • bmeps-2.0.6.rar bmeps converts bitmap images (PNG/JPEG/NetPBM) to EPS and PDF. EPS level 1, 2 or 3 can be created using run-length compression, flate compression and ASCII-85-encoding. PNG alpha channels can be transferred to PDF or converted to EPS/PDF image masks.
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  • kawa-1.9.1.rar A framework written in Java for implementing high-level and dynamic languages, compiling them into Java bytecodes. An implementation of Scheme, which is in the Lisp family of programming languages. Kawa is a featureful dialect in its own right, and ...
  • jlab.rar ... m-files spanning thirty thousand lines of code. JLAB includes functions ranging in complexity from one-line aliases to high-level algorithms for certain specialized tasks. These have been collected together and made publicly available for you to use, ...
  • lowlwvelmesurementmanual.rar Low Level Measurements is intended as a practical guide to making precision measurements of low level DC signals. Keithley公司出的低电压测量手册。
  • How_to_think_like_a_computer_scientist.rar ... not carefully edited. Some of the debugging sections are not done, and not all chapters have exercises. If you have high-level comments about the organization of the book or the topics covered, please send me email at feedback{at}thinkpython{dot}com. ...
  • DisGrCmdLangBook.rar ... withDISGCL,orcanbeenteredinan interactive mode. Similar to programming languages such as Fortran and C, high-level language elements can be used withinDISGCL.Thesearevariables,operators,expressions,arrayoperations,loops,ifandswitchstate- ments,user- ...