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  • iic_vhdl.zip iic总线控制器VHDL实现 -- VHDL Source Files: i2c.vhd -- top level file i2c_control.vhd -- control function for the I2C master/slave shift.vhd -- shift register uc_interface.vhd -- uC interface function for an 8-bit 68000-like uC upcnt4.vhd ...
  • GPS_design_handbook.rar gps design guide,for low level study
  • ToolboxLS-1.1.rar 用于level set分割的matlab工具箱
  • LS-JAVA.rar 水平集图像处理方法中fast marching方法,窄带方法及level set方法的JAVA代码
  • volumemeter_src.zip ... this project is to maintain a very short buffer of audio and constantly record into it. The control is on a timer, and periodically queries the buffer to see what volume level the most recent sample has, and then sets a progress bar s value accordingly.
  • WZFaceDetector.rar FaceDetector is a demo for an efficient face candidates selector proposed for face detection tasks in still gray-level images
  • bus_550_c.rar file bus_550.c // low-level functions for 1553 BUS CONTROLLER PGSC program // taken from VK and reworked
  • felt-3.06-devel.src.tar.gz C 开发的有限元软件,界面还可以,不错,可以试试。 FElt is a free system for introductory level finite element analysis. It is primarily intended as a teaching tool for introductory type courses in finite elements - probably in the mechanical/structural/civil fields. In a ...
  • MouseKeyboardLib2005.zip low level hook to record mouse and keyobard events and play back
  • libtso1.zip User level TCP network stack for developemtn in C