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  • facade.rar ... 说明java模式,The CustomerFacade class offers a higher level business service in the form of the saveCustomerData method. ... directly, the client AccountManager can make use of the higher level, more simplified interface offered by the CustomerFacade object to ...
  • tms320lf2407a.rar ... code-compatible with the existing C24x DSP controller devices, the 240xA offers increased processing performance (40 MIPS) and a higher level of peripheral integration. See the TMS320x240xA Device Summary section for device-specific features.
  • readbmp.rar 讀取bmp圖檔,畫出histogram,減少spatial resolution,減少gray level resoluton,再畫出結果
  • RFC2326ChineseTranslation.rar The Real Time Streaming Protocol, or RTSP, is an application-level protocol for control over the delivery of data with real-time properties. RTSP provides an extensible framework to enable controlled, on-demand delivery of real-time data, such as ...
  • corona.rar Corona is a convenient, high-level image loading and saving API. It lets you add support for loading and saving images in your application very easily.
  • gdb.rar Debugging with GDB, The GNU Source-Level Debugger Ninth Exlition,for GDB version6.6
  • ISO13239.rar ISO/IEC13239,Information technology-Telecommunications and information exchange between systems-High level data link control(HDLC) procedures
  • classvck.rar This file (the project file) contains information at the project level and is used to build a single project or subproject. Other users can share the project (.dsp) file, but they
  • chuandeduicunchu.rar ... that make up your 串的堆存储 application. 串的堆存储.dsp This file (the project file) contains information at the project level and is used to build a single project or subproject. Other users can share the project (.dsp) file, but they should export the ...
  • Sigma_Delta.rar ... o implement . Key building blocks f or realizing t he noise cancel2 lation , including t he delay va riable PFD and comp ensation cur rent source , a re sp ecially designed. Bot h t he behavior level and circuit level simulation results a re p resented.