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  • EMPG2_Enc_Pack_4_0.zip MPEG编码的directshow filter,支持MPEG -1/2,支持各种profile和level
  • hysteresis_twolevels.zip This file is hysterisis two level controller
  • LumosCPP.zip Example of using HTC sensor api to get Light sensor value and set backlight level in modern HTC phones. This app will replace original autobacklight level regulator and add more customizable options.
  • handshake_gate.rar handshake checker and it is used in the design of USB or other material ,it is a simple one on the acadimic level
  • stereo_vision.zip Stereo-Vision circuit description, Aug 2002, Ahmad Darabiha This design contains four top level circuits: sv_chip0.vhd, sv_chip1.vhd, sv_chip2.vhd and sv_chip3.vhd each of them built by one Virtex2000E fpga chip. This design is hierarchical and the ...
  • particleLevelSet3D.rar Level Set方法是20世纪90年代很流行的界面追踪技术,国外已有个别实例将此方法应用于不可压缩流体的计算.但其对界面具有抹圆的作用,造成梯度很大的界面失真.Particle Level Set方法可以弥补这一缺陷.在基于欧拉方法求解区域中安插了一定数量的示踪粒子,可以纠正失真效果,能够更丰富的体现流体表面的细节。
  • FundamentalsOfStatisticalSignalProcessing.zip Parameter estimation is a subject that is standard fare in the many books available on statistics. This book developes from basic to high level of estimation with simple and useful example
  • abi_SystemV.rar system v ABI 2007 amd64 平台架构的实现 介绍了low level,obj,lib,ddl的原理
  • Levelset-segmentation.rar level set 图像分割算法 Level Set Evolution Without Re-initialization: A New Variational Formulation Matlab 实现
  • LevelSetMethods_tooolbox.rar 这个是我最新下载的level set的工具箱,内容上较以往应该有所丰富,找到它也不容易呀