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  • Economics_For_Corporates.rar Ecomics Higher Level
  • Impulse_fft_hw.rar ... code. This file implements the hardware portion of a 256 sample FFT using a radix-4 algorithm. This implementation demonstrates that results similar to hand-coded HDL can be achieved using the C language, and without using a low-level style of C code.
  • activecontourCV.rar 一个实现了level set算法的matlab程序,性能很好,几乎对于所有的边界检测到
  • HOeJavnt.rar Its very useful ant java developers Create it at the top level of your project directory (New --> File, create as a simplefile) and name it build.xml. Copy and paste the xml text from Figure 3 into your build.xml file and save it.
  • TLM-2[1].0.tar.gz SystemC Transaction Level Modelling. 是基于SystemC之上的总线互联协议
  • ring0.zip What IS TRing0? TRing0 is a system level component that gives Delphi program access to system ressources like IO ports, Model Specific Registers (MSR) etc. Normally these ressources cannot be accessed directly by applications, just IO drivers. TRing0 ...
  • OSPFFunctionalSummary.rar ... a router starts, it first initializes the routing protocol data structure. Then, it waits for indication from the lower-level protocols that its interfaces are functional. Being the interfaces functional, the router sends Hello packets to its neighbors, ...
  • LevelSet_evolution.rar Level set evolution 算法
  • Level.rar 先利用图像背景差分法快速检测出人脸的初始矩形轮廓线,然后采用LevelSet方法对视频图像进行人脸轮廓提取
  • wavelet.rar ... to regenerate original signal, it is tried to reduce the power of the noise signal or in the other way, raise the power level of the informative signal, at the receiver end this leads to improvement in the signal to noise ratio (SNR). There are several ...