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  • svpwm_pulsegen.rar a three level inverter using simulink
  • sai02.rar simulink code for two level inverter
  • sai4.rar simulation of a two level inverter using svpwm
  • levelsetcode.rar level set 图像分割简单算例,很简单很好用
  • HTMLCSSJavaScriptMTI.rar ... 􀂄 Part B: Extending Mozilla: XUL-World! 􀁻 For Mozilla extensions developer 􀁻 Req.: XML*/JavaScript 􀂄 Part C: Hack the source 􀁻 For source level programmers 􀁻 Req.: Programming common sense
  • lcr.rar LCR calculates Level Crossing Rate, that is a number of crossings (in the positive direction) of an input vector through a given threshold vector.
  • tsvc.zip Tile Studio - visual c++ generated code example with running demo of nice tiled terrain level
  • AquaTROLL200.zip Water Level-Meter Communication Manual
  • Embeddedbook.rar This book is intended to fill the need for an intermediate level overview of programming microcontrollers using the C programming language.
  • ARoadMapThroughNachos.rar ...  modify and exe cute operating system software Nachos provides a skeletal operating system that sup ports threads userlevel processes virtual memory and interruptdriven input output devices Nachos is a complex piece of software and it is di ...