this VHDL program can count and measure a time of high-level of a signal by a high-frequency refrence signal.
OMAP5912 Multimedia Processor
Display Interface
Reference Guide
Introduces the setup,
components, and features of the OMAP5912 multimedia processor and
provides a high-level view of the device architecture.
DQPSK modulation with XILINX FPGA.
2 level butterworth analog filter for I & Q D/A output.
... privileged wrapper around those operations
3. Both of those classes are combined into a single jar, which is granted high level of trust
4. Normally, any file operations require granting a special permission, so an attempt to directly execute calls ...
Carnegie Mellon 大学的一篇Java文章
Authors present our experiences in using Java as an intermediate language for thhigh level programming language NESL
Control of a four-level elevator system using
a programmable logic controller
... briefly that lessons from these simple examples are relevant to large programs. More generally, it argues for a use of C++ as a higher-level language that relies on abstraction to provide elegance without loss of efficiency compared to lower-level styles.