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  • HW3_Matlab.zip Matlab CDMA and is for the master or the graduate level students
  • EMV2000.rar EMV2000 LEVEL 1实现的源码
  • MC05-5.rar The threshold of hearing curve: if a sound is above the dB level shown then the sound is audible
  • BH-RTI_docs.rar 高层体系结构HLA(High Level Architecture)运行支撑框架RTI软件
  • levelset.rar 基于快速Level Set的红外图像分割方法 作者: 梁 敏,张 科,张文峦
  • smart_card_os_flow.rar high level view of smart card OS flow
  • The_Ten_Commandments_of_Excellent_Design_VHDL_Exa ... will help you design synchronous circuits that work first time.The philosophy behind Ten-Commandment code is that synthesizers are not to be trusted too much. Most of the code you will see is close to the structural level some more overtly than others.
  • mac_tx.rar zigbee协议栈中MAC层中LOW-LEVEL的部分源代码,实现数据部分的通信功能,也给出了其相关定义
  • DataReader.zip Data reader Example for expert and also for beginner level...
  • MASS_MSMAC.rar ... (MS-MAC). The protocol uses any change in received signal level as an indication of mobility and, when necessary, triggers the ... when the network is stationary, whereas it can maintain some level of network performance when there are mobile sensors.