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  • heart_hough.rar heart high level segmentation and Generalized hough transform
  • levelset.zip Level Set with OpenVB to segment images
  • uml2hla.rar HLA (high level architecture) with UML design
  • 54379.rar ... is about 7, 19 and 88 bits/cycle respectively, while if n = 1 there is only about 1.2 bit/cycle at the 99 level. For say a symbol rate equal to the channel bandwith, since it is the bits/symbol/dimension that is relevant for signal constellations, these ...
  • Stack.rar Implementation of 8 level deep stack in PIC1684fA using Verilog in structural mode
  • wcdmathesis.rar In this thesis a signal level simulator in uplink is implemented according to the physical layer specification of the IMT-2000 WCDMA system. The analytical WCDMA system through the use of linear algebra techniques is shown. Channel model is built on the ...
  • tamamlanan.zip this pogram help us to solve how to manupulate pic I/O and so after all we can reach the level that can easily make any program.
  • SpkId_ResearchLab.zip ... Windows CE Speaker Verification Developers Kit is your compact biometric security solution for development of speaker verification systems at electronics level. The design is based on ISIP ASR and is Ported to Windows CE/Pocket PC/Smart Phone/ Symbian OS ...
  • ALUnew.rar Half Adder which is implemented in gate level