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  • BatteryLog_evc4_src.zip evc4 console app that monitors battery status and writes a csv log file and broadcasts every measurement. Use netcat on network to capture the measurements.
  • PingTest.zip A ping test tool. Use to check ping speed and write a log over time. You can test your wlan connection with this.
  • multilog-0.5.zip Lazarus Component A Log system designed for FPC-Lazarus
  • LogViewingSrc.zip Log file viewer.....................................................................................
  • capacity.rar capacity log added for refernces
  • edge.rar 利用roberts、log、canny等算子实现图像边缘检测的MATLAB源代码
  • LogMoniter.rar 整理ccproxy的日记文件,将其中以log开头的大文件整理成两个小日记文件,并将大文件删除
  • FolderMonitor2.rar make a log for all files with a specific extension from a specific folder (including his subfolders)
  • IntegarteClass.rar 一种复杂的积分表达式计算vc++源程序,实现求积分的类,支持各种复杂的积分表达式,可含任何数学函数, 如 3*exp(x)*tan(x)/(8+log(x)) ;可检查出表达式的书写错误;可设置积分精度
  • chap4.rar 程序代码说明 P0401:用Prewitt算子检测图像的边缘 P0402:用不同σ值的LoG算子检测图像的边缘 P0403:用Canny算子检测图像的边缘 P0404:图像的阈值分割 P0405:用水线阈值法分割图像 P0406:对矩阵进行四叉树分解 P0407:将图像分为文字和非文字的两个类别 P0408:形态学梯度检测二值图像的边缘 P0409:形态学实例——从PCB图像中删除所有电流线,仅保留芯片对象