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  • S60_Platform_Log_Example_v1_0.zip Log Engine的使用,对于一些刚学Symbian的人来说,可能会有用,希望能帮到你们啦
  • IIS_Log_Reader.rar I wrote this small program to view incomming requests to my web server. There is no installation file, just unzip both files, and run "IIS Log Reader.exe"
  • ExchanegLogReader.rar Simple Exchange Log Reader written in vb.net 2008
  • netctoss.rar ... 系统提供支持,前台部分主要分为用户自服务管理,资费管理,用户管理,管理员管理,帐单管理,帐务管理6个模块。 该系统后台部分包括数据采集系统(包括采集模块和接受模块)和数据整合系统;它们实现的功能是:1.定期采集(次/小时)原始计费Log(wtmpx)文件,整理成BIDR数据清单,并上传给中心处理系统。2.中心处理系统(接收模块)侦听并收集采集系统发送的数据信息BIDR,并通过PROC将数据保存到数据库明细表t_detail_X中,在发送和接受过程中主要采用Unix C/C++(socket)实现。3 ...
  • edgeDetection.rar 本程序实现边缘检测,并可通过设置阀值t二值化输出图像,选择类型设置检测算子(Roberts , sobel , sobel_diagonal ,sobel算子, Prewit ,canny , LoG )。
  • NET.rar .NET software and system log to view the source code
  • Firewall_Parsing_Linux.rar Linux下对防火墙log的parsing。Linux下调试通过。附带有makefile可供编译。
  • EdgeDetect.rar 图像边缘检测 MATLAB 仿真程序。roberts,sobel,prewitt,log,小波检测
  • clser_03.zip using FTP in VB6. just very simple way to log in and fro file transfer application
  • shutDownWinXpExample.zip This is a example of how to Shutdown, Restart, and Log Off Windows XP using code. This uses Shell code. It works very well. I only tested the Shutdown code but the others should work. Note: The shutdown service will obviously need to be running for this ...