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  • parse.tar.gz 分析blktrace log的工具 可以统计出随机读写的数量和整合度
  • FINALAB.rar it is veri log code for ALU comparator and shift register using veriwell
  • WebMining.zip In this project, we present a complete framework and findings in mining web usage patterns from Web log files of a real website that has all the challenging aspects of real life web usage mining, including evolving user profiles and external data ...
  • EmulateKeyboardEvent.rar 游戏自动登录器。是不错的例子,The game automatically log device. Is a good example of
  • LogFilter.rar 指定关键字选择包含或者不包含,指定来源文件路径和输出文件路径点击确定即可,可以过滤LOG文件或者文本文件中包含关键字或者不包含关键字的行。
  • lis_lds02.rar A N*log(N) algorithm implementation of classic LCS problem. Very detail for reading and understanding. Hope this help people learning.
  • pc_remote_control.zip ... , Help, Refresh, Caps lock, Tab, Back space, delete, Left, Right, Up, down arrows, Page up, Page down, Window keys. Calculator, Notepad CD drive Open/Close Control panel Computer log off, reboot or shutdown Volume Up, down, Mute 5 User defined Programs
  • qask.zip clear all M=input( enter the number of symbols ) N=log(M)/log(2) NPoints=input( Enter the number of points ) NumberBits=input( Enter the number of points per bit ) for i=1:NPoints m=round(rand(1)*3) data(i)=2*m-1-M end
  • quatenarymod.zip clear all m=input( enter the number of symbols ) n=log(m)/log(2) npoints=input( enter the no of points ) nbits=input( enter the no of points per bit ) for i=1:npoints d=round((rand(1))) data(i)=2*d-1-m end
  • LogFixed.rar This is fixed length log system for embedded systems. I make this library for use in many compillers and processor platforms. For use it you can make only write functions for phisical access to memory.