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  • log.rar System described in detail the algorithm on the number of polar and characteristics of the image registration done a detailed analysis
  • rmq.rar Structure rsq(range sum query) help to find sum on segment l and r O(log(l-r+1)) and update O(logN)
  • rsq.rar Structure rmq(range minimum or maximum query) help to find minimum or maximum on segment l and r O(log(l-r+1)) and update O(logN)
  • ldpcc_MaxLogSPA_dec_on_gfq.zip max log SPA decoder for non binary ldpc decoder
  • main.rar sobel、prewitt、robot、LOG、canny 运行main文件,该程序用以上五种算子对图像进行边缘检测
  • DoorBanSystem.rar 门禁系统,管理员有随意开门的权限,员工要通过门卡或指纹的验证才能进门,外来人员要经过管理员的同意,由管理员开门 系统有日志记录,记录在electronDoor.log文件中
  • dlp.rar discrete log problem... implemented in java
  • tuxiangchulishiyang.rar 使用edge函数,分别采用‘roberts’‘sobel’‘log’算子,对图像MRIBrain_10.bmp进行锐化,比较各个算子的效果并说明其原因。
  • CallLogTest.rar Android Call Log Test Example. This is a test for Android Call Log.
  • exert-0.1.tar.gz Exert is a Fitness Log application. It is written entirely in C# using Gtk#.