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  • log.zip This document illustrates about the research about BRM
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  • ADC+USART.zip The concept of this thesis is not a new one. Accelerometers have been used before in various forms to log accelerations and reaction forces in numerous sports.ADC+UART files is ataached here. The motivations for this can either be in the interests of ...
  • DELPHI_log_software_design_classic_code.rar DELPHI log software design classic code DELPHI日志软件设计经典代码
  • MMSELSA.rar minimum mean square estimator log spectral amplitude is an anhanced technique of the minimum mean square estimator developed by Ephraih and Malah in 1985.It is used for signal processing by improving the Signal to noise Ratio.
  • b14318.rar ... product on 32-bit Windows systems. It includes information about the following: 1. Review Information About this Guide 2. Log In to the System with Administrator Privileges 3. Check the Hardware Requirements 4. Check the Software Requirements 5. ...
  • loghound.c.zip used for log mining.Used in network security
  • LogView.rar 本程序是一个查看工厂LOG程序,CSV档列数超过了6万列,可EXCEL只能查看255列,本程序可以处理此问题
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  • MDL_segmenter.zip em algorithm - Find approximate solution to Sf = conv(s,f) = d using EM iteration. EM seeks to minimize the Poisson negative log likelihood function J(f) = sum_i {[Sf]_i - (d_i + sigma^2)*log([Sf]_i + sigma^2)}.