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  • calculator.rar 一个简单的计算器可实现加减乘除,乘方,log,sin,cos等动能
  • dip.zip log transfermation of an image
  • dosbackup.zip Batch module to backup data (whole directories) under MS-DOS. Creates detailed log file. Sets are compressed and named with timestamps
  • InventorySystem.zip Hi .. Inventory System Description: Inventory System. Visual Basic 6.0 Login: admin Pass: admin Guide: Click in File - Log In Username: admin password: admin Thanks joaoterran
  • Visitors_Log.rar A Visitor Log System for Building security personnel
  • Console_Module.zip MFC 延伸模式的 DLL 以 LGPL 發佈,可以在 MFC 的視窗中額外開啟一個 Console Window 用來顯示執行資訊,可以自由將 Console Window 隱藏起來,顯示資訊將根據輸出的位置寫入 log or error 的紀錄文件中. 整體採用模塊式開發使用簡單,是視窗程式在 Bug 排除上的好幫手
  • Merge_Sort.rar Merge sort is an O(n log n) comparison-based sorting algorithm. Most implementations produce a stable sort, meaning that the implementation preserves the input order of equal elements in the sorted output. It is a divide and conquer algorithm. Merge sort ...
  • song.rar 3g log file by genex...
  • matlab-work.rar f=zeros(30,30) f(5:24,13:17)=1 imshow(f, notruesize ) F=fft2(f,256,256) F2=fftshift(F) figure,imshow(log(abs(F2)),[-1 5], notruesize )
  • BubbleSorter.zip ... the number of items being sorted. There exist many sorting algorithms with substantially better worst-case or average complexity of O(n log n). Even other О(n2) sorting algorithms, such as insertion sort, tend to have better performance than bubble sort. ...