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  • LogdetPPA-0.zip log-det半定规划的matlab软件包,对解优化问题很有用。
  • Mining-e-Coomerce-data-to-analyze-customer-behavi ... Target Customer Behavior is developed in Java. It clusters customer segments by using K-Means algorithm and data from web log of various e-commerce websites. Consequently, the results showed that there was a clear distinction between the segments in terms ...
  • wsock32.rar 替换系统wsock32.dll 来监测winsock调用,可以用来输出log调试信息或干别的也可以
  • SBT.rar 利用线段树套平衡树查询区间第K大数,并满足修改操作,复杂度log^2(n)
  • HeapSort.rar Heapsort is a comparison-based sorting algorithm, and is part of the selection sort family. Although somewhat slower in practice on most machines than a well implemented quicksort, it has the advantage of a more favorable worst-case O(n log n) runtime.
  • TiffTransformations.zip to perform various transformations , like negation, log, power law ,histogram equalization etc
  • Copy-of-ALARM_MARO.rar NSN 告警LOG转换代码,通过对MMI指令生成的log文件进行转换为excel文档,并对重要告警进行标示
  • TOOL.rar 对NSN MMI指令产生的基站参数数据LOG进行转换,包括BTS、切换、功率控制等
  • TEST_LOG.zip Log Create class sample
  • dieselpower_logview_0_1_6.zip Program diesel power log view