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  • RISMS.rar 7. log文件夹中存放的是程序的运行信息,可通过其中的文件察看运 行信息。 8. GSM Settings用于设置SMSC客户服务中心的号码; 9. RSI Settings用于设定SCALA Server的IP,如果只有一个Server, 请添在ServerA中。 10. serial Number:安任意键。
  • pjtlog.zip Procedure for use log operation in prorgam
  • logpolar.zip Log-polar resampling of an image, and back-sampling to retinal plane
  • Fastdiscretecurvelettransforms.rar ... anorientation parameter, and a spatial location parameter. And both implementations are fast in the sense that they run in O(n2 log n) flops for n by n Cartesian arrays in addition, they are also invertible, with rapid inversion algorithms of about ...
  • VB-Program-save-in-registery.rar source code for ADF4350 visual basic save log in registery
  • Key.rar A Simple Key Logger Only Log Key Code
  • ProcessLog.zip process log, using listctrl and thread
  • Log.zip 数据库文件夹里是数据备份文件,数据库用的是MySql 开发工具用的是Eclipse+MyEclipse+Tomcat5.5
  • EAST320240.zip LCM320240B,RA8835驱动下的320X240大屏幕大尺寸液晶屏幕,驱动芯片是STC12LE5A60S2,此程序的功能是在屏幕上画出驱动芯片的LOG图,联系绘图功能。
  • LogFile.rar 封装LOG写入的类.非常简洁,但使用很方便.