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  • sc-RO.rar 运行sc-RO.bat后 1.程序会按照系统时间,将"copyfile" 复制一份并重命名为当前日期格式的文件夹,日期格式为"YYYYMMDD"。 2.如果新文件夹已复制,程序会监测是否存在"finish"的文件,如果不存在,则进行路由表获取,(获取完成后,获取窗口会停留在当前状态,点击一下便可消失)获取完成后生成"finish"文件。 3.返还sc-RO.bat窗口,会提示"请按任意键继续. . ." 程序后台运行文件对比程序,完成后弹出对比结果文件"fccheck.log"。
  • Ch13ErrorLog.rar Sample code for constructing error log, taken from Wrox C++ 2008
  • L1_magic.rar 程序包包括了求解稀疏信号重构的凸优化方法。具体实现了基于 primal-dual 的线性规划方法(LPs)和基于 log-barrier 的二阶锥规划方法(SOCPs)。
  • javagalaxy1WebTimeTrack.zip ... in the company. Through the years this practice has been developed from paper logs to all sorts of punching card gadgets however the technology has brought us a step further so employees can now use the Intranet / Internet to log in their time sheet.
  • ArbolAVL.zip ... versa. With this form of equilibrium (or balance), the complexity of a search in one of these trees is always in order of complexity O (log n). The equilibrium factor can be stored directly on each node or be computed from the heights of the subtrees.
  • edge1.rar 利用二阶微分算子、Canny、LOG、Roberts、Sobel、Prewitt、Krisch、Robinson等算子进行边缘检测,并分析不同算子加噪声后的不同影响
  • log.rar 另外一个用于边缘检测的好程序,亲自调试,非常好用,分享一下!~
  • ExceptionLog.rar delphi excpection log sdfsdf
  • suanfabijiao.rar roberts、sobel、prewitt、log、canny五种边缘检测经典算子的代码,适合初学matlab和图像处理。
  • Turbo_code_simulation.zip 1. 程序中Turbo译码采用了MAP,LOG-MAP,和MAX-LOG-MAP三种算法。 2. 以 ...