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  • ngrep1.41win32full.zip ... data payloads of packets. It currently recognizes TCP, UDP and ICMP across Ethernet, PPP, SLIP, FDDI, Token Ring and null interfaces, and understands bpf filter logic in the same fashion as more common packet sniffing tools, such as tcpdump and snoop.
  • A_number_g1593335282003.zip A C++ logic game number game
  • logic analysiser.zip 本设计主要由数字信号发生器和逻辑分析仪组成,其中数字信号发生器运用了89C51单片机系统,可以重复输出8路循环逻辑移位序列,逻辑分析仪用了89C55单片机系统,可以实现8路信号的采集和显示(时间域和空间域),3级触发字可调,有多种触发功能,可显示时标线,使逻辑分析仪能从大量的数据流中获得有分析意义的数据。
  • flashasp.zip access the database using Flash MX. Please remember that Flash is unable to natively access a database. A programming language (ASP in this case) provides the programming logic, while Flash works at the presentation tier of the application.
  • Digital-Electronics-logic.rar 数字电子技术基础之逻辑代数基础讲稿,包含与或非,逻辑运算基本公式,卡诺图等
  • Graphical-logic-puzzle.zip 这是一些图形逻辑题,可以用来训练,在求职笔试或考公务员时很有用。
  • The-use-of-fuzzy-logic-toolbox.rar MABLAB中模糊逻辑工具箱的使用实例源代码
  • Fuzzy-Logic-Controllers-fuzzy.zip Fuzzy 邏輯控制器 說明 Fuzzy 控制器是如何運作,並作一概要性簡介.PDF文件格式.
  • Fuzzy-Logic-Toolbox-.zip 模糊逻辑控制matlab工具箱,可直接调用函数。
  • digital-logic-design-(FPGA)-based.rar 夏宇闻老师的经典数字逻辑设计(基于FPGA)