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  • reed.rar this is the completedocumentation and code about reed solomon logic implemented on fpga in verilog.
  • CheckersCode.rar its the main window of the game with the explanation of checkers logic. Very good for beginners to understand the win32 APIs
  • fpga-based-system-design-chapter3.rar ... structure of FPGA fabrics. However, there are several fundamentally different ways to build an FPGA. Therefore, we will discuss combinational logic and interconnect for the two major styles of FPGA: SRAM-based and antifuse-based. The features of I/O ...
  • Kalman.rar kalman filter using fuzzy logic
  • chart.rar In web applications developed now days a lot of the logic that previously resided on the server side is now being implemented on the client side. This is especially true for information presentation, components such as trees and columnlist makes it ...
  • 2004818105518701.rar 3310液晶显示屏C51测试程序 2004/07/31/BD2YA 接脚资料: Pin Signal Description Port 1:VDD Power Input. Logic supply voltage range VDD to GND : 2.7 to 3.3 V 2:SCLK Serial clock. Input for the clock signal: 0.0 to 4.0 Mbits/s. 3:SDIN Serial data. ...
  • LogicProbe.rar Logic Probe Schematic
  • LanTalk_sources.zip ... computation for solving this problem. However, this comes with an expensive price, more coding, data synchronization and mess in coding logic. Additionally, I also doubt that these technologies are able to really move data across internet efficiently.
  • Alu1232.rar An 8-bit ALU with 16 operations: logic, arithmetic, shifts.
  • Logic_Knowledge_Representation_and_Bayesian_Decis brief overviewof recentwork on uncertainty in AI, and relate it to logical representations. Bayesian decision theory and logic are both normative frameworks for reasoning that emphasize different aspects of intelligent reasoning.