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  • mcwsrc21.zip ... + added bitmaps on list box + added "No heading comments" option + added "No TODO comments" option + fixed keyboard logic and tab stops 2.1 - fixed clipboard-copy bug (Thanks to Agnel Kurian mailto:agnel.kurian@gmail.com) ...
  • ALU.rar ALU design in Vhdl. Arithmetic Logic Unit
  • pidwphd.rar PID without PHD, usefull document on PID LOGIC
  • FuzziLogicAndNeuronNets.RAR Fuzzi Logic and NeuralNet
  • DigitalLogicTestingANDSimulation.rar DIGITAL LOGIC AND SIMULATION BY Alexander Miczo
  • Multiplier.rar 4 bit multiplier written in behavioral VHDL, using logic gate logic. inputs are A and B (4 bit each) and output is C (8 bits).
  • mux4x1.rar mux 4x1 with 2 control inputs, written in VHDL using 3 mathods: Logic gates, if, case. the fastest model is the one implemented with the case code.
  • Ripple_Counter.rar Ripple carry counter with 4 bit resolution implemented in behavioral VHDL. attaches as well is a jpg with the logic gates bock diagram. this is an asinchronous design.
  • Fuzzy.zip fuuzy logic in matlab
  • MDX.rar ... , the number of analytical applications that use MDX has grown very large, and several more servers and many third-party and homegrown client tools now allow you to use MDX to express the logic you use to calculate and to retrieve your information.