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  • .vim ``` git clone https://github.com/tnnsst35/.vim.git cd .vim git submodule init git submodule update cd bundle/vimproc make -f make_mac.mak ```
  • sqliteodbc ... of the driver, enter: nmake -f sqliteodbc.mak clean nmake -f sqliteodbc.mak ENCODING=UTF8 ... for SQLite 3.x. ... to the sqliteodbc directory and enter: nmake -f sqlite3odbc.mak This compiles the amalgamation SQLite3 source and the ...
  • cygwin_home ... =nodosfilewarning; how to compile vim cd vim/src/ make -f Make_cyg.mak CROSS_COMPILE=i686-pc-mingw32- CC=i686-pc-mingw32-gcc RC=i686-pc-mingw32-windres make -f Make_cyg.mak CROSS_COMPILE=i686-pc-mingw32- CC=i686-pc-mingw32-gcc RC=i686-pc ...
  • dotvim ... -c "call InstallPackPlugins() | qall!"` 4. cd to path to `vimproc` 5. run `make -f make_YOUR-ARCHITECTURE.mak` 6. install following softwares as necessary Useful Softwares ---------------- Some plugin needs these Programming languages. * Python [https ...
  • dotfiles ... スクリプトを叩く ``` ./init.sh ``` * vim-plaginをcloneする ``` vi :NeoBundleInstall ``` * vimprocをmakeする ``` cd .vim/bundle/vimproc/ make -f make_gcc.mak ``` ## 言語単位での導入手順 * w3mをインストールしておく ### php * http://jp2.php.net/download-docs.php からリファレンスを取得する ``` # ...
  • SpiderMonkey_JSON ... a native SpiderMonkey lib/dll on Windows with native JSON support.** * How to build? - Open Visual Studio Command Prompt - Debug build: nmake -f "js.mak" CFG="jsshell - Win32 Debug" - Release build: nmake -f "js.mak" CFG="jsshell - Win32 Release"
  • BD_BOX ... for platform example SetEnv /xp Go to bd_box\src directory. Run nmake -f bd_box.mak example: nmake -f bd_box.mak nodebug=1 openmp=1 CPU=AMD64 example: nmake -f bd_box_gpu.mak nodebug=1 openmp=1 CPU=AMD64 or use VS and bd_box.sln and bd_box_gpu.sln.
  • dotfiles ... 入れるか、~/.ssh/配下に Q3.vimprop使えないんだけど  A3.MinGW入れてmakeする。"make -f make_mingw.mak" Q4.NeoBundleInstall使えないんだけど  A4.コマンドプロンプトで"git --help"叩けてる?叩けないなら叩けるようにEGitとかWindows用のGitコンソールインストールして。
  • fermi ... you only want to correct errors, you may use make -f fmdef.mak -j 12 fmdef.ec.fq.gz ####7. What is contrast assembly? ... run-fermi.pl -ct12 -p sample2 sample2.fq.gz > sample2.mak make -f sample2.mak -j 12 sample2.ec.rank # identify reads unique to ...
  • jobflow ... be dumped to stdout (like cat). BUILD ----- just run `make`. you may override variables used in the Makefile and set optimization CFLAGS and similar thing using a file called `config.mak`, e.g.: echo "CFLAGS=-O2 -g" > config.mak make -j2