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  • Mouse_Control_1.rar This source code helps users can understand how to manage mouse in window environment _ TYPE 1
  • Mouse_Control_2.rar This source code helps users can understand how to manage mouse in window environment _ TYPE 2
  • Mouse_Control_3.rar This source code helps users can understand how to manage mouse in window environment _ TYPE 3
  • Multi_Threading.rar This source code helps users can understand how to manage multi threads in window OS and make a simple multi threads program which consist of 4 panes with each thread within it
  • ProductManagement.rar In this document we will plan an improved industrial rack system .We will provide a solution to manage the project more efficiently by using improved modularity ,Automatic identification for position of particular items , adding ...
  • RTX51FULLV7.rar ... to as tasks. RTX51 Full is a complete real-time kernel for 8051-based applications with numerous tasks and many resources to manage. CAN support is provided for a number of 8051-based CAN microcontrollers as well as many external CAN controllers.
  • Audio_Driver_Manage.zip This Project For manage Audio devices, Play back options and with Voice recorder
  • microsoft-visual-studio-2008-programming.rar ... database transactions with XSLT, ADO.NET, and LINQ -Build mobile-ready and offline applications using Sync Services -Manage Active Directory and Internet Information Services from code -Defend against SQL injection and cross-site scripting attacks - ...
  • networking-self-teaching-guide-osi-tcp-ip-lans.ra * Manage all the components within a node * Take advantage of the Ethernet, today s most prominent LAN technology * Utilize the most commonly deployed standards and technologies in networking * Ensure that ...