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  • com_dbadmin.zip dbadmin is a component for Joomla 1.5. It enables you to manage the data base of Joomla from Backend.
  • GMTOOL(1).rar Simple dekaron gm tool manage account and inventory
  • index1.zip ... : UNIX for the Practical Paranoid This book takes readers through the intricacies of the OpenBSD platform, and teaches them how to manage the system with friendly explanations, background information, troubleshooting suggestions, and copious examples.
  • Oracle_11g_For_Dummies.rar ... (Computer/Tech)) (2009) This nuts-and-bolts guide walks you through the mysteries of Oracle and database administration. You’ll learn how to understand Oracle database architecture, set up and manage an Oracle database, and keep it running in tiptop form
  • MCITPExam70-646WindowsServer2008Administration.zi iis version 7 manage webserver on windown
  • lcd_pcd8544_v026rev1.zip this source to manage the Nokia 3310 LCD. Added program for creating graphs sitam LCD
  • S-BGP_NOC_Tools-1.0.rar Deploying S-BGP requires that a participating organization, e.g., an ISP, be able to manage certificates, AAs, CRLs, and S-BGP policy information. Therefore, in addition to the S-BGP router code, there are “NOC Tools” for use by an Internet Service ...
  • fdf.rar ... Books Delphi-C++Builder software engineering Certification book Other Books Document software engineering File Formats Project Manage Development Research IT Hero Communication Project Design Software Testing [Expand all] [Recomment to add ...
  • FAT32.rar This code is to manage FAT32 System Harddisk. This code manage FAT32 Files. This code is useful to manage FAT32 Harddisk in your program.
  • FormatFloppy.rar This code is to manage floppy disk. This program is to format and erase floppy disk. This program is easy to use.