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  • 16X16-dot-matrix-(scroll).rar 16乘16 dot matrix (scroll)可以滚动显示
  • Matrix.zip Some functions form matlab translated into Java. The functions are related to Matrix and Vector stuff.
  • a-novel-structure-of-UPFC-with-matrix-converter.z This document refers to a novel control structure of UPFC based on Matrix converter
  • A-UPFC-based-on-MATRIX-converter.rar this is upfc based on matrix converter for dynamic study analysis
  • Matrix.rar C++ Code for Matrix Manipulation
  • Matrix-Chain_JAVA.rar Matrix Chain Multiplication is perhaps the quintessential example of dynamic programming. The problem can be stated as follows: given a ... An> of n matrices, where for i = 1, 2,...,n, matrix Ai has dimension pi-1 x pi, fully parenthesize the product A1A2 ...
  • matrix-left-right-up-down.rar led matrix,16x16屏,实现上下左右,滚动,代码有说明,配有字模提取软件,方便大家学习使用。可在这个基础上扩展更大的屏幕。
  • Matrix.zip A small program that can deal with matrix
  • matrix.zip matrix example for determining and example of matrix 2 dimension matrix
  • Random-Matrix-Theory-for-Wireless-Communications. Random Matrix Theory for Wireless Communications