... - This second edition features revisions that support the latest version of the author s popular operating system and book, MicroC/OS-II - Complete and ready-to-use modules in C Get a clear explanation of functional code modules and microcontroller theory
Single-chip 16-bit/32-bit microcontroller 512 kB flash with ISP/IAP, Ethernet, USB 2.0, CAN, and 10-bit
NAME Control_AT24Cxx
This collection of routines allows an AT89C2051 microcontroller to read
and write the AT24Cxx family of serial CMOS EEPROMS. This version of the
code is compatible only with the AT89C2051 due to the location of the
data ...
英飞凌16位单片机xc167选型指南The XC167CI is a new derivative of the popular
C166 microcontroller family that is based on the
enhanced C166S V2 architecture it outperforms
existing 16-bit solutions.
Access FAT16-Filesystems with your 8051 Microcontroller
... SST89V516RDx are members
of the FlashFlex51 family of 8-bit microcontroller products
designed and manufactured with SST’s patented and ... The devices use the 8051 instruction set and
are pin-for-pin compatible with standard 8051 microcontroller