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  • ease51.zip 8051 programmer, to program any ISP microcontroller, for example Atmel AT89S51, AT89S52, etc
  • P89LPC938FA_1195200.rar The P89LPC938 is a single-chip microcontroller, available in low cost packages, based on a high performance processor architecture that executes instructions in two to four clocks, six times the rate of standard 80C51 devices. Many system-level ...
  • nRF2401A.zip MSP430x23x , MSP430x24x (1), MSP430x2410 混合信号MICROCONTROLLER.zip的
  • 87361001DSO.zip Abstract A new intelligent milometer base on a microcontroller can count the sum. By taking full use of the processor 89s51 and E² PROM (AT24C02) and sensor of magnetism, it can count the sum of fully distance and the course of development.
  • DRM061.rar USB Thumb Drive Designer Reference Manual. This manual describes a reference design of USB2.0 Thumb Drive solution by using the MC9S12UF32 microcontroller.
  • AN019SW.zip ECOG bootloader, used to initialized ecog microcontroller
  • AN020SW.zip A simple command line interface for microcontroller
  • AN022SW.zip software LCD driver for microcontroller
  • AN037SW.zip Interfacing to an MMC/SD card via SPI (for microcontroller)
  • AdvancedPICMicrocontrollerProjectsinC.zip Advanced PIC Microcontroller Projects in C