Pure C version of the Mutable Instruments SysEx bootloader
No dependency version of the Mutable Instruments MIDI bootloader for AVR.
Things to mess with:
* Path to the avr toolchain and avrdude in base/makefile.mk (TOOLCHAIN_PATH = )
* Programmer name in ...
... , and not get muddled down in details.
## A simple example:
import Data.List.Split
import Midi
-- FilePath, Half-Beats-Per-Second, EOT-Delay, Music
main = write_music "test3.mid" 1 1 song ...
Test project: using Clojure to do MIDI in the JVM
# jvm-midi-via-clojure
FIXME: write description
## Usage
Download RWMidi JAR package from [here][rwmidifiles].
Install into local Maven repository:
mvn install:install-file \
-Dfile=rwmidi.jar \
... sure your Launchpad output "Track" is set to "on" in the "MIDI sync" area of Ableton's preferences.
* Use Ableton's internal ... change the LED colors by changing the velocity of the MIDI notes.
* Note that most velocities will leave the buttons blinking, ...
... cite/ref needed) aims to provide NetLogo with
full support of midi commands
NetLogo will look for extensions in several places: ...
In order to make the extension available in your model just place
`extensions [midi]`
on top of your code.
... lisp (fork of http://www.doc.gold.ac.uk/isms/lisp/midi/)
Fork of http://www.doc.gold.ac.uk/isms/lisp/midi/
... Gsharp score
editor[1], and was also posted to the alt.music.midi and
comp.lang.lisp newsgroups[2]. Subsequently, workers at Goldsmiths
College ...
library to read .mid files in racket
This repository is a racket package for reading standard
MIDI files (usually SMF or .mid files). Despite the name,
there's not yet any support for writing these files.
... Change, Program Change, Pitch Bend, and raw System Exclusive (SysEx) messages.
* Convenient enums for General MIDI Channels, Pitches, Instruments, Controls, and Percussions.
- **Scheduling**
* A powerful scheduler that lets you schedule MIDI ...
... the "MIDI Holiday Lights" project in the December 2011 issue of Popular Science
These files are the plans for the "Radio Shack MIDI Lights" project
that was featured in the December 2011 issue of Popular Science. Look at
the instructions file for more ...