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  • Move_file_to_Recycle_bin.zip Move file to Recycle bin via shell API rapped in a function
  • GDI+Test.rar Basic GDI+ Example shows how to draw rectangle an move it!!
  • CxSkinButton_demo.rar 按钮控件重写的一个类和实例代码,实现按钮MOVE,LEAVE之类的事件,是学习控件编程的好例子
  • up.rar This c# funtion is demo how to use pictureBox, You can Zoon in or Zoon out picture,rotate and move picture.Other way,this function demo how to get keyEvent in c#.
  • MoveToFrontCompression.rar Move To Front COmpression/Decompression with Java
  • Move_Puzzle.rar A simple Move Grid Puzzle Game Without a Professional Graphical Interaface.
  • Knight_Tour.rar "Knight s Tour" is a puzzle in which the object is to move a knight, starting from any square on a chessboard, to every other square, landing on each square only once. startFrm.cs initialize The FOrm And some graphical property in C#. Knight.cs ...
  • CopyingFiles.zip Copying files from one place to another showing the windows move box
  • ACarParkingSystem.zip Copying files from one place to another showing the windows move box
  • MouseClick.rar Sample for how to move mouse pointer and click