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  • robotvision.rar ... images to see if there is a red ball.If a red ball is detected then the computer sends the appropriate control signals to the robot to move in the direction of the red ball.the video of the model is provided here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGxDiyEr9DQ
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  • eltzxks.rar ... 了功能的限制。经过测试修正了BUG,可以完全正常使用。 关于程序中人数的限制,修改方法: if rsuser.recordcount>=20 then rsuser.move 20 do while not rsuser.eof rsuser.delete rsuser.update rsuser.movenext loop 找到涉及文件的以上代码,修改20为你所定义的人数即可。 后台帐 ...
  • fromjavatoc.rar ... C# efficiently and quickly. However, features of C# that are totally absent in Java are given the detailed description they warrant. This practical guide will help you move easily from Java and J2EE to C# and .NET concepts as quickly as possible.
  • UpdateDb.rar MIS UPLOAD THREAD. Search a particular date file, read line parse it, and move enteries in table
  • Notes.rar ... of the dissertation. It should begin with a statement of the problem/background information (typically Chapter I of the dissertation), then move on to a review of the literature (Chapter 2), and conclude with a defining of the research methodology ( ...
  • Tetrisprocedures.rar ... : 描述: 1、功能完整,直接使用 2、模块独立性强,移植方便,外部仅init和move函数,修改显示和输入即可 3、对减少内存占用、尽量减少屏幕操作进行适当优化 4 ...
  • FilesQuick.zip FilesQuick: Nowadays, people usually have lots of files and data in their computer, and have to copy/move them between different paths, frequently. However, it will be long and frustrated as people have to swtich between dozens of different windows/ ...
  • 12864.rar ... 滚动-Driver LCD controller-driven programming, the Chinese realize that half of characters, the greatest 128 * 64 graphics since the creation of the display screen from top to bottom and move around and rolling