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  • TrueColors_demo.zip ... A drop would not be allowed. * DROPEFFECT_COPY A copy operation would be performed. * DROPEFFECT_MOVE A move operation would be performed. * DROPEFFECT_LINK A link from the dropped data to the original data would be ...
  • simple_fps.rar This is a simple try on doing some basic fps "game" you can move with your basic "q,w,e,a,s,d" and also jump and fire teapots "r, f" It s a simple program to see how it can be done. No colision detection or anything fancy.
  • lighting.rar This program demonstreatse how to use lights in opengl enviorment. It is a simple demonstration of a spotlight (car lights) on two cubes (cars) chasing each other. You can move light of the second cube with "awsd" keys.
  • 3D_Soccer.zip A form that implements a soccer field you can move around in and a grid using line controls only. Perhaps a starting point for a soccer game application if not, an illustration of how much one can do with line controls
  • aima.rar Make a point move in the 2D plane State = (x y xdot ydot). We only observe (x y). This code was used to generate Figure 17.9 of "Artificial Intelligence: a Modern Approach", Russell and Norvig, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall, in preparation.
  • LookingAtTheCamera.rar loking at camera move rotation,translation
  • cyComponents2.62.zip Free packages of Delphi Components. Most popular components: TcyResizer, move and resize your components at run-time with 2 lines of code. TcyWebBrowser, navigate/load/save html files easily.
  • show-move.rar 一个完整的VC工程文件,利用控件和控件操作函数在其中播放动画。
  • LearningExpress.TOEFL.Exam.Essentials.rar ... on the go and tackling the exact kinds of questions tested on your upcoming official exam. Information is presented in an easy-tofollow, straightforward manner so you can find what you need, learn the information, and move on—it’s that simple.
  • GroupControl_src.zip ... use of group boxes (i.e., buttons with the BS_GROUPBOX style). The CGroupControl makes it easy to enable/disable, show/hide, or move a group. No code is required in the group s parent, as this is done automatically whenever the group control itself is ...