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  • Q3BSPbasic.zip a quake 3 room that allows u to move in this space its not made by me though
  • 11.rar mouse tracking results, integrated with your mouse and move over in the sky between, it is worth learning lovers download
  • Tarea_LosPasajerosDelAutobus.zip ... sitting in disorder (not in the place their respective tickets said) and the last one reclaims his ticket place, the others must move to their ticket s specified place until they are all in order. This program simulates the users movements and count the ...
  • e14_8a.rar using c# to make a picture move
  • WinHandler.zip WinHandler lets you manipulate the existing windows on your system. You can resize, move, change style and text, kill, copy, paste, undo etc. All by using Win32 API calls. It is a good demonstration (in my opinion) of Enumeration functions, SendMessage() ...
  • project_E05_124.zip 8 bit computer. Here fore instruction can load to the program counter.Code is written using Xlinx ISE and tested using test bench. Four instructions are load, move, add and sub.
  • MDI.zip 用winform做的简单的两个窗口图片的相互move和copy
  • rhfileoper.zip | This component encapsulates the ShFileOperation API of Microsoft Windows. | | Performs a copy, move, rename, or delete operation on a file system object.
  • movedlg.rar vc++ move dialog test sample.
  • DragDialogExample.rar This code is to move dialog. When moving dialog, the cursor is changed.