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  • move.rar 为完成自然环境中大范围的环境监控, 实现了一个运动目标检测、跟踪和判别系统。
  • move.rar 编写一个程序,实现一串文字在屏幕正中沿300×300的矩形边界移动 //谁有空自己改下算法。。。。个人认为这个算法太死。。。只能在个人的屏幕 //中间的位置画图形
  • Move_method_using_Visual_Basic_code_achieve_animat 用Visual Basic的Move方法实现动画效果代码The Move method using Visual Basic code to achieve animation effects
  • phpwapftp.rar ... there is menu for this folder. add to list(copy) add to list(move) - add to archive zip, tar,max size 3 mb. - move. - ... symbols per field. - encoding. - save as. - add to list copy. - add to list move. - add to list zip - create archive. - copy. - move. - ...
  • VC_classical_programming_code_to_move_files.rar VC编程实现如何移动文件经典代码VC classical programming code to move files
  • VC_move_the_dialog_box_customer_area_code.rar VC开发在客户区中移动对话框代码VC + + to move the dialog box in the customer area code
  • VC_programming_ADO_recordset_database_instance_mov VC编程使用ADO在数据库中移动记录集实例VC programming using ADO recordset in the database instance move
  • SPIE_Orlando_20080215_07_oo.zip ... on a set of images. For example, if you have 4 succeeding images in a video stream, you can make one high resolution image out of them. The condition for it to be possible is that there must be a slight move of the captured scene between frames.
  • ctrlsize.zip delphi component for resize and move object
  • move.rar 这是操作系统中进程调度算法的其中一个,他的名字是动态优先级调度算法