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  • rhevm-move-disk A tool to migrate disks between VMs for RHEV 3.0 rhevm-move-disk =============== A tool to migrate disks between VMs for RHEV 3.0
  • Move-Posts ... 1.6 Created by: Starpaul20 Copyright: ©2011 License: GPL Allows moderators to move posts from one thread to another. To use, just select the posts to be moved, select Move Posts from the Inline Post Moderation menu, enter the URL ( ...
  • radiant-copy-move ... the 'Add child' button. With this extension you can copy or move a page (and all of its children). == Requirements You need the ... cd vendor/extensions git clone git://github.com/pilu/radiant-copy-move.git copy_move 1.a FOR RADIANT VERSION < 0.6.7 ...
  • MOVE ... attempt to put-to-code some of the concepts described in: * Time to MOVE On: http://cirw.in/blog/time-to-move-on * Architecture, The Lost Years: http://www.confreaks.com/videos/759-rubymidwest2011-keynote-architecture-the-lost-years * http ...
  • qt-true-dnd-move An example of true item moving during the drag and drop operation in Qt. qt-true-dnd-move ================ An example of true item moving during the drag and drop operation in Qt.
  • move Quick and dirty program for moving atoms in PDB format move ==== Quick and dirty program for moving atoms in PDB format Compile using g++ or compiler of choice: g++ move.cpp -o move.exe Modify file 'input' with indexes (starting from 1) ...
  • smart-move Deluge plugin for moving data smart-move ========== The plugin improves Deluge 'move storage' functionality in several ways: * ... each currently moving torrent * In Deluge when a user tries to move storage to a folder that already contains a file/directory ...
  • imap-move ... move messages from one IMAP system to another php ./imap-move.php \ --source imap-ssl://userA:secret-password@imap.example. ... be copied --wipe to remove messages after they are copied (move) --copy to store copies of the messages in a ...
  • copy-and-move-script ... move multiple directories or files using this script. Copy-and-Move-Script ====================
    • The purpose of this script is to give users the ability to copy or move directories (including subdirectories) or files (including the skipping of ...
  • MOVE MOVE pattern MOVE ==== MOVE pattern