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  • -Move-UITextField-Top-UIKeyBoard ... developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/StringsTextFonts/Conceptual/TextAndWebiPhoneOS/KeyboardManagement/KeyboardManagement.html -Move-UITextField-Top-UIKeyBoard ================================ Followed the iOS developer reference to move the ...
  • Art-On-The-Move A discovery engine for local artwork and artists. Art-On-The-Move - A discovery engine for local artwork and artists. =============== Problem : Zambian visual artists do not have a platform to show case their art … Solution : building an online and ...
  • Art-On-The-Move Art On The Move Art-On-The-Move - A discovery engine for local artwork and artists. =============== Problem : Zambian visual artists do not have a platform to show case their art … Solution : building an online and mobile service that lets Zambian ...
  • wp-move Update your wordpress settings, posts and postmeta when moving domains wp-move ======= Update your wordpress settings, posts and postmeta when moving domains
  • animate-move A Sawfish script to asynchronous animated moving windows. animate-move ============ A Sawfish script to asynchronous animated moving windows.
  • javascript-simple-move javascript简易运动框架 > javascript简易运动框架 > > Move.action(dom对象,json格式属性值对,缓动参考值,回调方法) > >示例: > Move.action(box,{width:500,height:200,left:200,top:100,marginLeft:10,opacity:.5},5,function(){ console.log('end'); });
  • sublime-text-move-view A Sublime Text plugin that enables moving tabs left and right using keyboard short-cuts. Sublime-Text-2-Move-View ======================== A Sublime Text 2 plugin that enables moving tabs left and right using keyboard short-cuts.
  • Lets-Move-Forward Printing, Promotional Products, Apparel, Direct Mailing Lets-Move-Forward ================= Printing, Promotional Products, Apparel, Direct Mailing
  • move-lines.chocmixin Adds ability to move one or more lines up and down in Chocolat app. Adds ability to move one or more lines up and down to Chocolat app.
  • find-and-move ... video files and moves them from Downloads to a Downloads folder inside Documents, Music, Pictures and Video folder. find-and-move ============= This script searches for audio, documents, images, music and video files and moves them from ~/Downloads to a ...