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  • GWMALLOC.zip ... for the system malloc & other memory manage ment routines. What is unique about this library is that it contains a number of powerful debugging facilities including very comprehensive heap testing and ex- cellent run-time debugging information.
  • SQRT.zip computes the square root of a 16 bit number in pic16c
  • random number generator.rar 一个随机数发生器的代码,C++实现
  • number.zip 猜字迷的游戏,可以网络对战
  • image insertor.zip inserts any number of images present in a directory into the HTML. It s gui is very cooooooool
  • scantree.zip This a small program which scans a particular section of your hard disk ( a tree) using recursion and returns information like the total number of files, folders, used disk space in that tree.
  • A_number_g1593335282003.zip A C++ logic game number game
  • 8puzzlesolve.zip ... a list of moves which you can use to solve the puzzle. It is written in C++ with an interactive text mode based interface. Enter numbers 0-8. Keep your pathlength short as you can, and make the number of nodes between 1 and 65536 (on an x86 machine).
  • Text_file_1561513262003.zip This code shows how to manupilate a text file, by counting the number of sentences appears on the full text file and many more
  • RotateImage-matlab.rar Rotates an image by the angle degrees in the % CCW direction. Degrees may be any number. % The function will put degrees in the range 0 % to 360 degrees and then into a range of -45 to 45 % degrees after performing elementary 90 degree rotations.